1 GHz dual-comb spectrometer for fast and broadband measurements
1 GHz dual-comb spectrometer for fast and broadband measurements

Dual-frequency comb spectroscopy permits broadband precision spectroscopic measurements with short acquisition time. A dramatic improvement of the maximal spectral bandwidth and the minimal measurement time can be expected when the lasers’ pulse repetition rate is increased, owing to a quadratic dependence (Nyquist criterion). Here, we demonstrate a dual-comb system operating at a high repetition rate of 1 GHz based on mature, digitally-controlled, low-noise mode-locked lasers. Compared to conventional lower repetition rate (∼100 MHz) oscillators, this represents a 100-fold improvement in terms of the Nyquist criterion, while still providing adequate spectral sampling even for trace gas absorption fingerprints. Two spectroscopy experiments are performed with acquisition parameters not attainable in a 100 MHz system: detection of water vapor absorption around 1375 nm, demonstrating the potential for fast and ambiguity-free broadband operation, and real-time acquisition of narrow gas absorption features across a spectral span of 0.6 THz (600 comb lines) in only 5 μs. Additionally, we show high mutual coherence of the lasers below the Hz-level, generating opportunities for broadband spectroscopy even with low-bandwidth detectors such as mid-infrared, imaging or photo-acoustic detectors.
Subjects: | Optics (physics.optics); Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det) |
Cite as: | arXiv:2111.08599 [physics.optics] |
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